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move, breathe, flow




I have been a practicing kinesiologist for over 10 years after beginning my training with  The Association of Systematic Kinesiology in 2006.  I went on to further my knowledge and experience with Integrated Healing practitioner training in 2008.  I began clinical practice and undertook continuing professional development courses with  
I finally consolidated all of my learning into the practice that I work with today with my much respected teachers Pauline Noakes and Terry Larder at the Classical Kinesiology Institute.   I continue to develop my professional knowledge in line with practitioner guidelines.


What is kinesiology?


Kinesiology is a holistic therapy that encompasses all aspects of health -  physical, psychological, emotional, nutritional and spiritual.  Originally developed in the 1960s by Dr George Goodheart, combining  modern Western techniques with knowledge drawn from Eastern health systems he created his unique approach.  The aim is to identify and ease the stresses which may be preventing you from enjoying outstanding health.


How does it work?


For optimum health, the whole of you needs to be considered.  Symptoms in the physical body can be as much associated with the mind and emotions as they might be with a nutritional deficiency.  Consider how chronic back pain might lead to a person feeling depressed, or how excessive worry could contribute to the development of a stomach ulcer or digestive problems.


Kinesiology uses simple and gentle muscle testing techniques to monitor the flow of energy throughout the body. This method identifies where the natural flow of energy may be disrupted.  Balances are offered in the form of gentle massage of meridian and reflex points, tapping, flower formulas, and lifestyle and nutritional advice to guide you towards your full health potential.


Who is it for?


Everyone can benefit from kinesiology from infants to the elderly. It does not diagnose or treat diseases - it allows the body to reveal what it needs to restore energy balance and well being. This usually brings about a marked improvement in health.


The number of sessions varies depending on the imbalances at play and how well any changes recommended for diet and lifestyle are followed. Generally, people feel a significant improvement within their first one to three appointments. Once optimum health has been attained, regular appointments keep the body balanced and prevent further ill health.


The first Kinesiology appointment will take approximately 90 minutes, subsequent sessions are 60 minutes.  I offer appointments in your own home or in a clinic setting in Bristol if more convenient.


Costs £45 ... concessions available


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