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move, breathe, flow

"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be."




I'm a seeker of joy and inspiration and how to find contentment when the going gets tough – it’s an ongoing work in progress! 


Yoga is a dance with the self and the divine.  My practice is an honouring of the precious gift of my body - the vehicle that carries me through this life. 


With continuing devotion to the practice, a yearning for development and staying on the cutting edge of the discipline, I aim to share my discoveries with integrity, humility and warmth.   


Yoga permeates my life and I am so grateful for the influence of so many gifted teachers, my students and my family who all continue to inspire.



I am currently taking a break from teaching and in the process of learning how to properly rest.  It hasn’t been the easiest of tasks!  I’ve found myself confronting deeply entrenched patterns and compulsions that lean me toward taking action.  


I had known for a while that I was going too hard and fast.  The pace of my life was unrelenting.  All around me were the kind of crises that required all hands on deck.  I wanted to show up for it all.  And whilst I was responding and tending out in the world, I lost perspective.  I would have kept going on empty, but life found a way to demand a withdrawal from it all, slow me down and open the doorway to turn quietly in.


I’ve asked myself, how did I miss (or ignore) the cues to slow down?  I thought I was being discerning with my yes and no.  Yet I was so caught up in the demands of each day that my spiritual practice had become routine.  Self-care was another thing on the to-do list or an indulgence that couldn’t be risked.  I was skating over the depths of life and sprinting over holy ground as everything on my list was urgent .... 'Do it now else everything will fall apart!'  

I’m now in the new territory of taking simple and regular rest.  And in doing so I’ve discovered that life is not a race, or a competition, or a battle and there is nothing to prove to anyone, no matter what.  Yes we have to pay the bills.  Yes we attend to the needs of the children and animals.  Yes we can still have ambition.  And can we find a way out of the unrelenting busyness of life?  Together seek to put down the scale of achievement created for ourselves that wasn't based on instinct or guidance, but on protection from feeling humiliated or afraid in a non-stop culture of overconsumption, overdoing and disconnection.


Many of us function like this until something breaks.  And then within the rupture we are humbled into remembering what is really important and valuable in our precious lives.  Its often not the achievements or the bank balance or any of that stuff.  Its usually much simpler.  

I’m finding my way home gently, at a speed that cannot be determined by the clock.  Finding a pace that can etch its new rhythm into my nervous system.  When I am ready, I'll return bringing with me my new story to share.  We can find balance together, lay down our burdens and cheer one another along as we command a natural pace into our lives where there is time to listen to the quiet calls and intuitive directions and to keep remembering over and over what is truly important.

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