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move, breathe, flow

""Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.""




2020 - 2021`

Engage in 250 hours of training either leading to IYN (Independent Yoga Network) teaching qualification or to deepen your personal practice.

The Yogasara Yoga Teacher Training Course is 250 hours because we know that teaching is a life long journey, which in truth takes years not hours! We give you extra time above the regular 200 hours so that you can learn & integrate more fully and have the edge when you qualify. We will give you more so that you can offer more!


This course is the beginning of an exciting and enriching path as a Yoga teacher. We will encourage you to share from the depth of your own experience. Your personal practice will be core to bringing your emergent ‘inner teacher’ to life and to the world!


The training takes place over 12 weekends in Yogasara Studio in Bristol and apprentice hours.


You will learn to teach in the style of Yogasara Krama Vinyasa Tantra – Kramas are (modifications) to make your teaching accessible to all. You will also complete a written assignment, maintain a personal journal, and undertake group work leading to a presentation about a specific yogic topic. You will teach your fellow students and be asked to review/reflect on your teaching experiences and receive feedback.



Deconstruct and understand the physical postures though practice whilst understanding:


  • alignment

  • somatic intelligence through interoception and proprioception

  • functional anatomy and physiology

  • subtle/energy body from both eastern and western perspectives (to include the chakras, the koshas, the bandhas, the vayus and mudras).


We will compare the contemporary knowledge of neuro-science with esoteric theory.

Free Yoga


We will explore various breathing techniques, as well as Pranayama, which involves breath retention techniques - when and how to practice and teach them, and equally important, when not to use them.


Study various approaches to meditation including traditional practices from Yoga-Tantra, Buddhist methods, and more contemporary ‘Mindfulness’. We will examine more traditional approaches in the light of recent research in neuroscience.


Deepen your practice and understanding of why and how to effectively work with sound and vibration through mantra and chanting.


We will provide opportunities for you to inquire into your own unique conditioning – physically, mentally and emotionally. Through embodied awareness, group work, sharing circles, and individual feedback, along with your own reflections. These experiences can help you to become more aware of how you habitually respond and relate to the world and people around you. The increased awareness you will find through the practices taught on this course can enable you to transform what is unhelpful, find healing, increase your vitality, and find more ease in your life.


We will study, compare and contrast Sutra and Tantra. This involves study of yoga texts, including Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, and the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra (VBT). We will compare and contrast these teachings with relevant contemporary and western philosophy. We will also look at the history of yoga, the role of men and women in Yoga historically, and consider the evolution of yoga in modern western culture.


Yogasara courses are rooted in Tantric philosophy. We will demystify the teachings of Tantra so that they can be translated into contemporary life with authenticity. We will engage in meditation, body-work and cultivate intimacy with ourselves and each other. We will work within healthy boundaries whilst encouraging loving connection. Tantra acknowledges sexual energy as a powerful force for awakening. We will NOT be engaging in sexual practices as part of this training! We will clarify the difference between authentic Tantra, rooted in sacred texts such as the VBT, & ‘Neo-Tantra’ which focuses mostly on sexual energy/practice. We will teach you the links between Tantra and Shamanism, and explore ritual including dance and voice work with guest teachers.

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The Yogasara teaching training method includes 4 main tenets:

  1. Through detailed verbal cues, using anatomy, poetry &/or metaphor

  2. Demonstration- appropriate demonstration of postures to enable students to ‘see’ the postures with the intention of enabling them to translate the postures into their own body appropriately.

  3. Hands on Teaching- skilful enhancements with the intention of gifting specific kinaesthetic information & feedback

  4. Through embodied presence or ‘resonnace’



Integral Vinyasa flow is a breath-led movement practice. We will break down each asana and look in detail at how to modify and teach each posture safely.


You need to understand how to offer postures for the myriad of body types, and for those with injury, that you will encounter as a teacher.


We will teach how to create intelligent sequences from both a physiological and energetic perspective. We will explore teaching through demonstration, and understand the use of language to communicate effectively.

We will consider different ways of structuring a yoga class, and how to hold space for your students. We believe it is important for all students, beginners to the most seasoned practitioners, to feel welcome and safe. An authentic yoga class will include more than the physical body. We will help you understand how philosophy ‘lives’ in the body and mind so that you can share this information with ease. As well as the physical practices and breath, a comprehensive yoga class could include: an opening and closing chant/invocation, a specific theme, working with intention, prayer, sharing sacred texts/poetry, meditation and contemplation. We will help you find your own unique style of teaching.



This is an important part of teaching physical practice and enables students to feel something that they can’t through verbal cues alone. Physical adjustments are taught alongside an in-depth understanding of anatomy and physiology. Teaching through touch can be profound and healing when offered with skill, integrity and appropriate boundaries.

We will consider all the different environments in which you could teach yoga, including studios, gyms, corporate environments, educational institutions etc. We will cover legal issues e.g. insurance and contracts as well as effective strategies for marketing yourself.  

We look forward to welcoming you on this journey of empowerment into teaching.

For dates, costs and further details visit Yogasara website.


Sarah: 07789 501 884  or

Sam: 07734 201 431 or


A place on this course is subject to successful interview, which could be with Sarah or Sam (Skype/telephone interviews are possible).







Yoga Child's Pose
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