"Yoga, rather than a path leading to mastery, is an invitation to evoke mystery and channel a powerful, subtle, and ultimately unnameable energy that roams inside.”
7 week online enquiry into subtle body yoga
Tuesday evenings 10th November - 22nd December
6.45 - 8pm
An invitation to sink into yourself as we deepen into winter and navigate a second lockdown. For
75 minutes together each Tuesday evening we will immerse in time-tested teachings and resources that can help us navigate the fray and
soothe our body-minds.
Create a cosy, welcoming, ceremonial space where you can practice – you won’t need a lot of room, just enough for you to be able to move on your mat and to avoid too many disturbances – you might come to rest in a corner of your living room, or alongside your bed for example.
I will invite you to make this space comfortable with blankets, candles, fragrance ….. you might prepare a flask with a hot drink ready for post savasana.
Bring a pen and paper for notes and journaling.
Each session will include philosophy, asana, movement, breath, meditation, journaling, contemplation and reflection.
Book individual sessions each week @£8 by following this link
Book here and gift yourself the time to abide in your-self with movement, breath, nourishment, prayer and contemplation every Tuesday for next 6 weeks by purchasing full access for the entire course. Recordings will be made available for 24 hours after each session just in case you cannot attend live. The course started on November 10th - there are 6 weeks left. (£48)
10th November
Muladhara - Earth
17th November
Svadhisthana – Water
24th November Manipura – Fire
3rd December
Anahata – Air
8th December
Vissudha – Sound
15th December
Ajna – Light
22nd December
Sahasrara – Thought
roots, ground, safety, survival, steadiness
flow, creativity, desire, life force
will, power, transformation, action
heart, breath, love, relationship, prana
communication, expression, purification
visioning 2021, sowing seeds of intention
connection, divinity, community
lotus feet, legs, pelvic hammock, pada bandha
sacred sacrum, hips, pelvis, lower back, mula bandha
belly brain, psoas, kidneys, uddiyana bandha
chest, diaphragm parachute and upper back
throat, neck and shoulders, jalandhara bandha
head, atlas and axis, jaw
crown jewel, brain and its ocean, yoga nidra
Merry Xmas!