Fridays 9 - 10am - Book here*
* If you have had your finances impacted by the current lockdown restrictions, please contact me to arrange a concession rate
These classes are mainly for my students present and past. You are welcome to join a group online class if you have not practiced with me before, however you must have a reasonable level of yoga experience. Online classes are not suitable for total beginners or new practitioners with limiting injuries or health conditions. Please find a relevant class for beginners online or please come to class in person where you will receive a warm welcome and the appropriate teaching and support to facilitate your practice.

Online classes enable us to continue to practice together - keeping us moving, breathing, staying connected, steadying the mind and guiding us back to our centre in the midst of these ever-changing times.
Its easy to participate.
All you need is a space to roll out your mat, an internet connection and a mobile device or computer.
Yoga is not a religion and you don’t have to be bendy to enjoy the benefits of a regular practice. A yoga class includes physical postures ( both static and flowing sequences), breathing exercises and meditative techniques, all designed to fit around the people attending – there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach.
We practice with bare feet on a sticky mat wearing clothes that are easy to move in. We might also use props (blankets, straps, blocks, bricks, bolsters) to facilitate more ease. All kit is provided in class.
A regular yoga practice can be an accessible path to awaken to the potential of your deepest self. The yoga mat provides ‘you time’ and every practice is an opportunity to listen, feel, reflect, and to connect with your body and spirit. As well as building strength, flexibility and balance in your body-mind you might just find yourself on the most wonderfully meaningful journey!
Over time, you will notice that the process that begins on the mat starts to ripple outward into your practice of life, influencing how you commune, live, love and express yourself in the world.
My teaching reflects my passion for exploring the many facets of the art and science of yoga. The style I offer has grown from the fertile soil of 25 years of yoga and movement practice, mind-body enquiry, personal development and a tenacious curiosity for life. I integrate elements from many approaches with a broad understanding of anatomy, a fascination with neuro-science and an ever evolving personal practice. My aim is to support modern living, to keep your practice vibrant and to empower you on the mat to create more beauty, more joy, greater freedom and more vitality in your life.
The classes are based on traditional hatha yoga postures and philosophies and modified through contemporary scientific understanding of the body and mind to support our modern lives. By moving with the breath and encouraging intelligent alignment in the body we can facilitate ease, openness and stability. Blend that with warm and genuinely compassionate teaching and a bit of dharma chat - there’s a recipe for reflection, re-invigoration and release.